Lets Get Snuggly: My favorite brands for kids pajamas

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As you may have noticed, I am extremely brand loyal.

I find a brand I like, making good products I love, and I STICK TO THEM. Why change? Also, my training & experience has taught me that good brands NEED to be supported by their consumers - without regular support from loyal consumers brands will go out of business. So I am going to be spilling the tea on my favorite brands for kids pajamas below, in hopes that you too will support them!

Burts bees baby

I first discovered BURTS BEES BABY onesies when I was gifted one when my 2nd baby was born. Averaging about $15 a piece (the average baby onesie is usually $10), I had never thought they were a good use of money - despite being covered in precious watercolor prints & pastel colors. I mean, they’re made of organic textiles etc, but how much better could they actually be?

oh boy, was i wrong.

Before trying BURTS BEES BABY, I had mostly bought CARTERS pajamas (more on them later) or TARGET CLOUD ISLAND brand for my 1st baby. They had short lifespans. The inevitable organic matter stains were more resistant to clean out of the fibers, the textiles were thin & prone to tearing or just good ol’ fashioned wear, and the colors faded or would become dingy over the 3ish months in use. I assumed based on this, that all baby & kids pajamas have a 1+ kid lifespan.

Then I tried BURTS BEES BABY. I had underestimated how much better quality their clothes actually were. Not only are they visually adorable & charming, but the quality of the construction is spot on. Firstly, the textile is MUCH THICKER than average brands - making them much less prone to wear & tear. Secondly, the dye used is much higher quality, meaning that after dozens of washes & stains later, the outfit still retains its bright colors. The ones I have from Louis’ baby year still look brand new, which is mind-blowing after my experience with other brands (I was throwing out about 2-3 onsies in every size with my oldest son).

And there’s more good news - BURTS BEES BABY makes 2-piece toddler & kids sizes too! Since I am deep in toddler-dom, these are mostly what I’m ordering these days, and the quality is so good!

  • pros:

    • Good thick quality textiles & dye that wear/wash well

    • Will last longer than average (invest in future needs!)

    • GOTS certified Organic Textiles

    • Sweet pastel watercolor prints

    • Baby - Toddler - Kids sizes

    • Available on Amazon, Target, and Burts Bees Baby

  • cons:

    • Price - slightly higher than average

    • Prints are not consistent - different designs every year (my FAVORITE print, a pale blue globe watercolor print, is no longer produced & I’m so sad!!!)


little planet by carters

Next up is a slightly more affordable brand, but no less in quality - LITTLE PLANET by CARTERS. LITTLE PLANET is the organic boutique brand offering by CARTERS (the much larger US multi-age children’s brand). I first tried LITTLE PLANET for my older son as a toddler. I love this brand so much! I wish they made more variations/prints, but I have no desire for them to lessen their quality through expansion (so LITTLE PLANET, as you were.)

Similar to BURTS BEES BABY, LITTLE PLANET is made from high quality, organic cotton textiles. They also utilizes stable, organic dyes, resulting in long lifespans for their garments. I also ADORE their sweet, classic, nature-inspired prints. This french blue pinstripe set, are you kidding me? Where is my size? Also, LITTLE PLANET doesn’t usually discontinue their prints - which means you can keep buying matching family looks for years to come.

christmas morning …

This brings me to the upcoming seasonal need for Christmas morning looks!

If your family doesn’t do the “Christmas PJs” tradition, than let me try to convince you there is a way to buy Christmas PJs, that also work all year round. I grew up with the charming tartan nightgowns etc, and they added to the Christmas ambiance in a charming and practical way.

The solid red stripe PJs from LITTLE PLANET are my go-tos, since they can continue to be worn all year.


  • Good thick quality textiles & dye that wear/wash well

  • Will last longer than average (invest in future needs!)

  • Certified Organic Textiles

  • Consistent classic prints/styles

  • Baby - Toddler sizes

  • Available at CARTERS


  • Price - slightly higher than average (but less than BURTS BEES BABY)

  • Textiles are slightly thinner than BURTS BEES BABY, but still great quality



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